Case Studies


How do I reignite my passion in my business?

“Irene”– Creative Director, Self-employed

Elevate My Career 6 Mth Program


Challenges: Lacking clarity and direction for business, loss of passion

Objectives: To have the vision, clarity, direction to make choices to reignite passion and fulfilment from career.

Outcomes: Was able to better understand her work-life values and drivers and gained the clarity of where her business needed to be heading. This resulted in some changes to the way she conducted her business which enabled her to focus on the areas she was passionate about and found fulfilling.



How do I find my direction and bounce back after redundancy?

 “Ross” – Project Manager, IT Industry

Elevate My Career Month-by-Month Program


Challenges: Figuring out where he really wants to go in career. Identifying what would be sufficiently satisfying and motivating. Recovering confidence and control of career direction after role redundancy

Objectives: To find satisfying work. To gain clarity as to what’s important for the next career phase and the objectives and plan for the next steps. To have a strategic approach to career planning and to getting his next role.

Outcomes: Identified personal strengths, values and achievements and a 5 year vision. Created a sense of personal brand and how to communicate it. Was prepared and equipped with the resources to market himself and to convey his value in an empowering way. Secured a next step contracting role, well-aligned with the longer-term vision.


How do I make a successful transition from technical to leadership?

“John” –Team Leader

Elevate Me Leadership Transitions Program

Challenge: Taking on a leadership role in early career and managing older, more ingrained staff and their perceptions

Objective: Successful transitioning from a technical to leadership role. Development of people skills.

Outcome: Started to apply what he had learned straight away, enabling a smoother, successful transition. Improved his communication skills which led to a more engaged team and improved team performance.



How do I develop a clear value proposition so I don’t keep missing opportunities?

Ben, Finance Industry

Challenges: Missing out on opportunities. Unclear of own value proposition. Finding it hard to be persuasive and sell himself.

Objectives: To have a value proposition to market himself. To know his strengths and the environment he needs to be at his best. Increased self-awareness and confidence, working with certain types of people. Better managing weaknesses.

Outcomes: Increased awareness of personality traits, reasons for certain feelings and behaviours and the need for change. Increased confidence in making career decisions.  Confidence to start own business; confidence in capability and clarity about what he wants to do.


Should I stay or should I go? Am I in the wrong job or even the wrong industry? Where would I go?

“Steve” – IT Industry

Challenges: Feeling stuck and unhappy in current role, but unsure what needs fixing. Is it the company, role or industry that needs fixing? Not knowing what else might be a good fit. Reluctance to ask for help has left him putting up with being unhappy in work environment for about 5 years before asking for help.

Objectives: To assess whether the industry or work environment was the wrong fit. To find direction regarding next move so he can enjoy work again. To identify best fit before making next move in order to avoid finding himself in the same position in a new role.

Outcome: Found out that the issue was environmental and not industry based. The unexpected outcome for him was the profiling, which enabled a better understanding of his own personality and other people and their different reactions.

Benefits: Found the insights useful for assessing work preferences as well as applicable to life in general and in trying to understand other people. Found it a good starting point to get unstuck and clear on what could be done to improve work enjoyment in the current environment, while following a longer-term plan of achieving better fitting role and environment. Was relieved to discover that a career change wasn’t necessary in order to enjoy work again.



Which role do I choose? What’s the best next career move?

“Ned” – Business Manager, Government Department

MBTI Profiling Report and debrief session

Challenges: Having to make a career move decision, but uncertain about which role to choose from 3 options. Feeling stuck and unsure about what to do next.

Objectives: To be able to plan the next career move, and make the best-fit role choice.

Outcome: Objective evaluation of the three role options. Gained the clarity to identify potential sources of frustration of two of the roles and to identify the role that would be personally satisfying, while also being a best-fit alignment.

Benefits: This provided reassurance and resulted in more confident decision-making, without the doubts and second-guessing.


How can I find direction in my career path for the next decade as I enter my 40’s?

“Mark” – Senior Executive, Finance Industry

Challenges: Felt stuck and unhappy in the last role and wanted to ensure he didn’t make a wrong-fit choice again. Lacked clarity and direction and was unable to determine what he wanted to pursue in the long-run.

Objectives: To find career direction for the next decade in doing something enjoyable and fulfilling and to set some goals to work towards. To better utilise strengths and to achieve better outcomes.

Outcome: Found his direction. Reassurance about gut instincts, strengths and best-fit choices helped clear the doubts.

Benefits: Gained a new perspective and ability to see what he couldn’t see before.



How do I scale back on too many commitments and get clear on my direction?

“Laura” – Director, Chairperson

Challenges: Taking on too many commitments and under-rating herself. Her choices were not serving her best career interests. Fell into a negative spiral of over-commitment to underpaid or unpaid work. Feeling stuck, undervalued, underpaid and overstretched. Feeling guilty of letting people down by saying no. Self-doubt and eroded self-confidence.

Objectives: Clarity, focus and direction. Identifying opportunities that would suit her and how to find them. Clearer idea of how to balance family/community commitments with paid work that she loves to do.

Result: Evaluated each role against career needs and longer-term goals. Developed a new perspective to make decisions more easily and objectively. Clarity as to which role was really important to invest in and pave the pathway to longer-term opportunities. Developed a plan to transition out of roles not serving her longer-term vision.

Benefits: Removed the guilt and the emotional entanglement of decision-making. Greater awareness of personal strengths and opportunities. Avoided closing the door to an opportunity that was in front of her by not neglecting this role.


How do I create a new career focus with more creativity?

“Catherine” – Technical Designer, Self Employed

Elevate My Career 6 Mth Program

Challenges: Feeling stuck in her career, fear of making a change due to a lack of clarity about who they are and what they want to do.

Objectives: To develop a pathway to creating a career that is inspiring, rewarding and challenging. Wanting the confidence, clarity and self-belief to take the next-step in the current climate.

Result: Has developed a clear and compelling vision and action plan for a new business, and implemented the foundational steps required to prepare for the business launch.

Benefits: The program has taken away the self-doubt and uncertainty and restored self-confidence and clarity in her own capabilities. Has identified her unique value proposition and niche in the market, and created a compelling brand story and dialogue to market herself, her service and value proposition.



How can I end the procrastination so I can be more effective in my business?

“Alice” – Self-employed

Challenges: Changed career direction and started a new business, but found it harder than she thought. Procrastinating and at risk of not getting anything done.

How to get unstuck from procrastinating?

Objectives: Ending the procrastination and being more effective in her business. Reconnecting with her purpose and strengths.

Outcome: Reconnected with her strengths and the values that were her drivers to gain more clarity about her Why’s for starting her business. Identified the areas where she’s at her best and could immerse herself to feel more energised and driven. Identified areas she didn’t want to spend her time on and which to outsource.

Benefits: Gained new motivation from the clarity and reconnection with her purpose. Awareness of the different aspects and stages of the project work that would allow her to be at her peak, effective and engaged and which stages were best left to the support crew to fill the gaps.


I want to be able to promote myself as a job seeker

“Melanie” - Scientist

Challenges: Redundancy, job opportunities contracting in her industry. Unclear vision for the future. Loss of confidence. Limited opportunities

Objectives: Picking up the pieces after role redundancy, improving confidence in skills and identifying new opportunities

Outcome: Restored confidence, increased awareness of strengths, skills, interests and options. Formulated goals and strategies to find the right kind of jobs and to identify the kinds of companies to target beyond what she previously thought was possible. Determination to seek out what she wants to do, rather than settle for what’s available.

Benefits: Better self-awareness. Better equipped on how to formulate goals with no constraints by thinking of opportunities she would have otherwise disregarded as not possible. Identified a creative element to personality.

