Career Insights
How extra-curricular activities boost your career
Hear from accounting and finance professionals on how devoting time to a hobby or interest can spark unexpected career benefits.
Check out INTHEBLACK Magazine’s December 2020 edition to find out how these CPAs, including myself, have boosted their skills and productivity at work by setting aside time for extra-curricular interests.

Why do we each have to find our version of success?
In this interview with Fiona Tibballs from Climbing Lava, I talk about why it’s important to plan your career from the right place and not be restricted by someone else’s version of success. I also talk about how rewarding stepping out of your comfort zone can be and why it needs to become the new normal.
Getting the right career help at the right time is important. If you don’t do something, you might find yourself stuck, unhappy, and unmotivated. You might even be putting your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing at risk.
Your quality of life is at stake. Boost your career enjoyment, sense of fulfilment, and self-empowerment by getting the right help. You deserve to thrive and not just survive!
Now is a good time to think about your career future. You cannot leave it up to others to manage your career development. Or to determine your career direction and where you end up in life. It’s time to develop your career vision and to plan how to achieve it.
There are things beyond our control right now, but there are things we can control, such as our mindset and resilience. And we can use this time to get clear about what's really important to us and why.
We can use this time to develop a vision for the kind of future we want to create; for ourselves, our families and communities. For our careers and workplaces. And importantly, it is a time to reflect on the impact we want to make through our work and life; through our lifestyle and the legacy we can create.
What does career success mean for you and where are you on the journey? Does it come at the price of neglecting your needs and wellbeing?
Sometimes it’s hard to see exactly what’s going on when you’re so close to the situation. It’s hard to read the label from inside the jar!
Here are a few things to consider.
You can end up feeling like a victim to stress, or you can decide to do something about it. But what is that?
Because we’re all different and have different stress triggers, thresholds and responses, we can’t rely on a one size fits all stress management strategy. Here are 3 things to take into account to help you formulate your own stress management plan.
To be able to surround yourself with people who uplift and inspire you is an amazing experience. The buzz you get when you're in a room of like-minded individuals, sharing inspiring ideas and experiences is electric. Not the homogenous, maintain the status quo kind, but the kind that share similar dreams and visions of what's possible.
I've had some amazing experiences like that, and have traveled the world in search of them and to connect with people who share that same drive and passion. It's what has reignited my inner fire and given me the drive to leave my corporate career and create my own path.
Stress is the silent saboteur! It can sneak into your life and take over, without you realising it. When “in the grip” of stress, you become uncharacteristically unlike yourself.
The physical and psychological signs are there. Something’s wrong, but what is it? If you feel like you’re losing a grip on yourself, it may be that you’re in the grip of stress. If you’re feeling like your life and career is unravelling around you and you don’t have control, take time to reassess the situation.
If you’re feeling out of control and unlike yourself, the reason could be due to stress.
Stress could explain the feeling of overwhelm, inability to think straight and that sense of helplessness to do something about it.
If you’re dreading the thought of going back to a job you don’t love, you don’t have to put up with feeling stuck and unhappy. You can do something about it to make a fresh start to 2019! But don’t make hasty decisions you might regret later. First take the time to work out what’s really going on. So you have a better understanding of how to fix the underlying issues. And to appreciate the things that are working really well for you.